Perform the Incremental backup from the primary database
Posted by Mir Sayeed Hassan on September 27th, 2017
Perform the Incremental backup from the primary database
Take the current control file backup for the standby database from the primary db
As shown below:
$rman target / RMAN> backup current controlfile for standby format '/tmp/stby.ctl';
Than give the full permisstion for the stby.ctl file
$cd /tmp
$chmod –R 777 stby.ctl
Take the incremental backup primary database with scn of standby database
To view the current scn as shown below
Sql> select current_scn from v$database;
On primary database:
$rman target / RMAN> backup device type disk incremental from scn 18897455 database format '/tmp/incr_backup_scn_18897455/bkup_%U';
(Copy this files to the standby database location and perform the operation)
On primary db –
$scp /tmp/stby.ctl root@
$scp /tmp/incr_backup_scn_18897455/* root@
(The same directory name has to be created on primary and standby db – it will not be confuse)
On Standby Database:
SQL> shu immediate
SQL> startup nomount;
(Restore the control file of the database)
$rman target /
Rman> restore controlfile from ‘/tmp/stby.ctl’; or you can manually copy the primary controlfile created into the existing location by using the CP Copy Example: $ cp /tmp/stby.ctl < Existing location of standby database "show parameter control_files">
Rman> alter database mount;
Rman> catalog start with ‘/tmp/ incr_backup_scn_18897455/’;
Rman> recover database noredo;
Rman > alter database open;
If its not – Shu immediate and startup database
==================Hence Tested & Verified in our env==============