The Suspended (Resumable) Statement has Timed Out in Oracle Database 11gR2(
Posted by Mir Sayeed Hassan on April 26th, 2023
The Suspended (Resumable) Statement has Timed Out in Oracle Database 11gR2( ORA-30032:
Issue: This issue was occur while doing a transaction in real-time database & it’s was hung for few seconds & get the error
SQL> select instance_name, version, status, open_mode from V$database, v$instance; INSTANCE_NAME VERSION STATUS OPEN_MODE ---------------------------------------------------- mirtdb OPEN READ WRITE
Connect to the specific user & create the table
SQL> create table testing1 as select * from dba_objects; create table testing1 as select * from dba_objects * ERROR at line 1: ORA-30032: the suspended (resumable) statement has timed out
Check the alert log of the database
[oracle@miroradb ~]$ tail -100 /u01/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/mirtdb/mirtdb/trace/alert_mirtdb.log Mon May 02 09:41:26 2022 diag_adl:ORA-1652: unable to extend temp segment by 128 in tablespace TEST_2 diag_adl:statement in resumable session ‘User MIR_TBS(564), Session 312, Instance 1’ was suspended due to
Here its shows there is a space crunch on the tablespace MIR
It clearly shows, there was a space crunch on the tablespace MIR_TBS, therefore its suspended the sql statement for the sometime before throwing timeout error.
This can be resolve by increasing the time duration for the resumable_timeout
SQL> show parameter resumable_timeout NAME TYPE VALUE ------------------------------------------- resumable_timeout integer 20
As you can see here the resumable_timeout is set in this database is 20 seconds., therefore any action like adding space to the tablespace need to be carried within that 20 seconds, to avoid timeout error,
To resolve this issue, we can increase the resumable_time to 900 seconds (15 minutes) therefore which will give us some more time, before it is being timed out.
SQL> alter system set resumable_timeout=900 scope=both; System altered.
SQL> show parameter resumable_timeout NAME TYPE VALUE -------------------------------------------- resumable_timeout integer 900
Now you can create a table successfully.
SQL> connect mir Enter password: Connected.
SQL> create TABLE TEST_3 as select * from dba_objects; Table created.