How to login the user schema without knowing the password in Oracle Database
Posted by Mir Sayeed Hassan on May 4th, 2023
How to login the user schema without knowing the password in Oracle Database 19c
– This scenario is to login to the user without knowing the password & perform some test operation purpose only.
– You can change/re-set the user password with new password but inconvenience to the end user.
– Therefore the Oracle DBA can extract the excrypted password for the user for saferside & keep the password to re-set it back.
– After successfully login to the user with new password & done with test operation., revert back to the old password.
Consider you need to login to the “MIR” user & perform some test operation onit.
Connect to database
[oracle@stag-db4 ~]$ sqlplus / as sysdba
SQL> show pdbs CON_ID CON_NAME OPEN MODE RESTRICTED ---------- ---------------------------------- 1 PDB$SEED READ ONLY NO 2 PDB1 READ WRITE NO
SQL> alter session set container=pdb1; Session altered.
Check the user exist & its status
SQL> select username, account_status from dba_users where username='MIR'; USERNAME ACCOUNT_STATUS ---------------------------- MIR OPEN
Extract the encrypted password for the user “MIR”
SQL> select 'alter user "'||username||'" identified by values '''||extract(xmltype(dbms_metadata.get_xml('USER',username)),'//USER_T/PASSWORD/text()').getStringVal()||''';' existing_password from dba_users where username = 'MIR'; EXISTING_PASSWORD ----------------------------------------------------------- alter user "MIR" identified by values 'C8D8C658C74A4C4D';
Now temporary change the “MIR” password & perform the test operation.
SQL> alter user mir identified by mir_test_purpose; User altered.
Connect to the user “MIR”
SQL> connect mir/mir_test_purpose@pdb1; Connected.
SQL> show user USER is "MIR"
Note: Here you can perform all the your testing operation & then revert back to the existing password.
Connect to the respective PDB & re-set the existing password by using the sys user.
SQL> alter session set container=pdb1; Session altered.
SQL> show user; USER is "SYS"
SQL> alter user "MIR" identified by values 'C8D8C658C74A4C4D'; User altered.