Restrict a schema to drop a table from its own
Posted by Mir Sayeed Hassan on October 3rd, 2017
Restrict a schema to drop a table from its own
SQL> sho user USER is "SYS"
SQL> create user mir identified by mir; User created.
SQL> grant connect,resource to mir; Grant succeeded.
SQL> connect mir/mir; Connected.
SQL> create table test1(eno number(10)); Table created.
SQL> insert into test1 values(1); 1 row created. SQL> commit; Commit complete.
SQL> select table_name from user_tables; TABLE_NAME ------------------------------ TEST1
SQL> connect / as sysdba Connected.
SQL> sho user USER is "SYS"
SQL> create or replace trigger drop_mir_test1_trigger before drop on mir.schema begin raise_application_error( num => -20999, msg => 'Objects cannot be dropped.'); end; / Trigger created.
Now the trigger is created, so let us try to drop the table from its owner schema mir
SQL> connect mir/mir; Connected
SQL> drop table test1; drop table test1 * ERROR at line 1: ORA-00604: error occurred at recursive SQL level 1 ORA-20999: Objects cannot be dropped. ORA-06512: at line 2
You can observe that the above table we wanted to drop can’t be dropped by the schema owner (mir) because of the schema-level trigger.
SQL> connect / as sysdba Connected.
SQL> alter trigger drop_mir_test1_trigger disable; Trigger altered. Or SQL> drop trigger drop_mir_test1_trigger; Trigger dropped.
We can drop the table by using the super privilege user sys or dba
SQL> connect mir/mir Connected.
SQL> drop table test1; Table dropped.