Restrict a user to drop from sys user
Posted by Mir Sayeed Hassan on October 3rd, 2017
Restrict a user to drop from sys user
Find the below tested & verified method
SQL> Create user mir identified by mir;
SQL> Grant connect, resource to mir;
Now user have the privilege to connect & perform DDL,DML Etc Operation
Create the trigger to restrict the user to drop from the database
SQL> create or replace trigger drop_user_trigger before drop on database when ( user = 'MIR' ) declare l_cnt number; l_name varchar2(30); begin if ( ora_dict_obj_type = 'USER' ) then l_name := ORA_DICT_OBJ_NAME; select count(*) into l_cnt from dual where exists ( select null from app_users where username = l_name ); if ( l_cnt <> 1 ) then raise_application_error( -20001, 'You cannot drop that user' ); end if; end if; end; / Warning: Trigger created with compilation errors.
SQL> sho user
SQL> drop user mir; drop user mir * ERROR at line 1: ORA-04098: trigger 'SYS.DROP_USER_TRIGGER' is invalid and failed re-validation
SQL> ALTER TRIGGER drop_user_trigger disable; Trigger altered.
SQL> drop user mir cascade; User dropped.
Hence we can restrict the user with trigger as shown above, if we want to restrict again then enable the trigger for the user.